Thursday, October 15

Your blog is fabulous awards

Hello again,
I first told you which are my obsessions and then took my time to decide who to give this award to. Since I'm not a very active blogger I don't read many blogs and I don't get any comments. And since we all know which blogs are fabulous to me but they already got this award ... :) ... I decided to give it to my "new acquaintances", to blogs I discovered and started reading this week and found them interesting.

1) the first one is Lola Lakely from Life, love & the pursuit of insanity. A funny and interesting blog to read, I especially identified my generation of students with her last post: Lola vs. Drunken Superpowers :))

2) BrightenedBoy from the BrightenedBoy blog. He stopped by my blog yesterday and I returned the favor. And was very happy I did it :) Pieces from his diary that he shares with us are inspiring.

3) mo.stoneskin from Mo "Mad Dog" Stoneskin - I prefer shorter posts (because I'm too impatient and always in a hurry) but here is an exception that proves the rule. Interesting material that keeps my attention for more than a minute. :)

4) Smileygirl from [Live Happy]. Just found her a week ago and liked her posts about her pets, Wrigley and Chumley a lot. :) Including the beautiful photos.

5) And last but not least (I sound like Tyra Banks, lol) Here's a blog that is not really new to me. It's my friend's blog I started reading few years ago, first at MSN spaces and then I followed her Wayfarer's blog about her trip to England. Now I follow her Distracted by irrelevance which only has 3 posts at the moment, but regarding her previous writing (and exemplary English) I look forward to reading more from her and I'm happy to give this award to eglantine. :)

So, this is it. Not a very usual choice, one would say, choosing blogs I don't even know well, but I told you my reasons at the beginning of this post. :)

So, you know the rules: give this award to five fabulous blogs (if you want, of course) and tell us: what are your obsessions? :)
