One of the things I like to do is watching some interesting shows and one of those I find interesting is America's next top model. I don't really like all those chick-fights and stuff, I like photoshooting ideas, stylings ... Surprisingly I like fashion, although you'd never guess that if you met me. I'm a jeans + T-shirt person.Anyway, I was watching 1st part of the cycle 15 and something surprised me in a positive way. There was a beautiful girl, Anamaria, who did quite well in photoshoots:

Tyra once mentioned that she isn't happy with her skinny body. Eat a sandwich, girl! But after listening to Anamaria's arguments how skinny she has to be to become a supermodel and how well she plans her diet, Tyra became seriously concerned.
Anamaria was the first one eliminated from the show, because the judges didn't want to send the message that skinny is good to young girls all over the world. "Too skinny isn't good, you have to pack your belongings and leave!"
I mean, look at her ...

Compared to the image that fashion industry shows as perfect I find this move as a very good step towards changing the ideal of perfect skinny tall girls back to normal.
After all, Tyra did that twice before:
Firstly, when she chose Whitney Thompson as the winner of cycle 10. Whitney was the first plus-size America's next top model!

And secondly, cycle 13 was all about petite models. Only 5"7' And Under allowed!

Support, Tyra! :)
Poppy ;)