Saturday, December 12

The Bloom

I defenitely don't have green fingers. I am not talented for gardening at all. The only type of plants that I am able to take care fore are those green plants that only need water from time to time, that are not offended when I forget to water them and are definitely not sensitive. No wonder my beautiful Orchid died. :(

That's why I'm surprised by my lovely amaryllis! I Bought a bulb and had no idea what I bought. Fortunately the lady at that store told me this is a huge plant and it also needs a huge pot, otherwise I'd probably kill it. The pot she gave me was at least five times bigger that the one I intended to buy. Oops! :) So ... I planted it, and something green came out of the bulb. Succes! :)

At first I had to help it with a little bit of support:

... and it actually grew!

.. and then... it actually bloomed! And it bloomed beautifully. :)

I absolutely hate this weekend because of all the s**t that's going on but this beautiful bloom made my day. A green finger succes! Can't believe it. :P I have to try my luck with Poinsettias - the Christmas stars now. :)
