And I did survive all the way through three years of school. But this year ... This year is horrible. Although I moved from a double to a single room last year my student life is more stressful than ever. Other students from my floor are obviously manner-less party animals. Besides some of the weirdest habits I have ever seen (or heard, in my case), they keep yelling and playing their music way to loud and way too late in the evening. And they don't even think about closing the common room door. Even after someone comes and closes them twice, they don't get the hint. They have to let everyone know when they come home from a party. They usually do it loudly around 4 am.
I am THE grumpiest person today. I didn't get enough sleep. I have to ask our security guard for his phone number the next time I see him. I swe
ar to my love for a good night's sleep I'll call him the next time this happens.